måndag 19 oktober 2015

Week 43 - grade 7

Veckans förmåga
Kommunikativ förmåga: att ha förmågan att samtala, diskutera, motivera och presentera. Kunna uttrycka egna åsikter och ståndpunkter. Framföra och bemöta argument, redogöra, formulera, resonera och redovisa. 

This week we will begin to work with the theme you have chosen - Horror.

During the lesson on Monday we will do a listening assignment. You will listen to a story and do some assignments. 

On Wednesday we will begin to see the film "Snow White and the Huntsman". 

måndag 12 oktober 2015

Grade 7 week 42

Monday: Today, you will begin to write a letter to an unknown friend. Your letter shall be written by hand. If you make a click on the link you will find the assignment:

Letter to an unknown friend

Wednesday: Today we have the computers. You have the possibility to finish your Swedish assignment (Lorax filmanalys) and your letter to Mother Earth. This is the last lesson you have for these assignments (except the Swedish lesson later this day).

söndag 4 oktober 2015

Grade 7 week 41

Monday: We will do some speaking activities.

Wednesday: You will write your letter to Mother earth (we have the computers)