söndag 27 september 2015

Grade 7, week 40

This week, you will finish your discussion in your groups and write down your reflections on the blog and give each other some feed back. You will also begin to write your letter to Mother Earth.

fredag 18 september 2015

Argumentative essay grade 9

We have now seen the movie 28 days, and it has become time to begin writing your essay. If you make a click on the link you will find your assignment.

Argumentative essay

Week 39 Monday - Lorax class 7

We have now seen the film Lorax. You have discussed the plot, the environment, the characters and the message during the lessons in Swedish. It has now been time for you to discuss this film in English.
In your groups, discuss the questions you can read below. Take notes while you are discussing and make sure everyone in the groups understand what you are talking about.

Questions to discuss
  • What was the land of the Lorax like before the Once-ler arrived? Did it seem like someplace you'd like to live? What parts of your own environment would you be sad to see go?
  • What kind of person is the Once-ler? Why won't he listen to the Lorax? The Lorax says to the Once-ler, "You are crazy with greed." Why does the Lorax say that? Do you agree or disagree?

  • Why does the Lorax speak for the trees? Why is it important to speak up for others? Have you ever spoken up for someone else? Has someone else ever spoken up for you?
  • How does the Once-ler's Thneed business hurt the land of the Lorax? What happens to the Swomee-swans, the Brown Bar-ba-loots, and the Humming-fish? How could things have been different if the Once-ler listened to the Lorax?
  • The Once-ler says, "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." What does the Once-ler mean? Can one person make a difference? Can you? What are some things you can do to better your own environment?

tisdag 15 september 2015

Alcohol and drugs grade 9

Today we will begin to work with the theme Alcohol and Drugs. Your first assignment is to do a test on the Internet and then to see a short film which is named "A short film about Alcohol". You will do some reflections with EPA and then we will finish the lesson with the film 28 days.

  1. Do the test Above the influence
  2. See the film A short film about alcohol
  3. Do some reflections (you are allowed to do them in Swedish): 
E- Write down some thoughts you got while you did the test and saw the film
P- Discuss in pairs
A- We discuss in class

  4. We will begin to see the film 28 days