Oliver Twist - Discussion
Discuss the following questions in your study group. Record your
conversation and send it to Ulrika (ulrikaselever@gmail.com).
· What is the most interesting
part of Oliver Twist? Explain your thoughts.
· Who are the most important
characters in Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist? Explain and give examples from the
· Which one do you think was the
best – the book or the film? Explain your thoughts.
Discuss the book
Discuss your ideas about the following questions, Write your thoughts down as a comment and read some of your mates comments and give a reply on two of them.
Why do you think
Finishing Assignment
Oliver twist - writing
Nancy was in love with Bill Sikes. She knows that her life was awful and if she left Fagin and Sikes her life would be so much better. But if she leave her past behind her, she also leave the love in her life behind her. So her love to Bill Sikes was the only reason she stays with him.
SvaraRaderaI think Rose listens to Nancy because they were both young woman and Rose could recognize herself in Nancy and her desperate situation. Rose saw the fear in Nancys eyes and understood that she loved Sikes. Rose wanted to help Nancy and feel sad for her.
I agree that Nancy knew that her life would better without Sikes and Fagin and that she loved them to much to be able to just pack her things and leave.
RaderaRose definitely saw a lot of fear in Nancy and felt the urge to help her.
Great written:)
I agree that Rose recognized herself in the young lady who came to talk to her, and felt a strong urge to help her.
RaderaGood work:)
I also agree :)
RaderaNancy don´t know a better life without Bill i think. Very good work!!
RaderaI believe Nancy stayed with Bill Sikes because she was in love with him. She also felt compelled to stay with him, he had taken care of her and given her a life to live for. They may not have lived a nice and safe life, but they had food for the day and roof over their heads. Her life could have been so much better if she left Bill and the thieves, but her love to him held her back.
SvaraRaderaI think Rose listened to Nancy because she was so young and desperate. She felt sorry for her and wanted to give her a better life, away from the streets. Nancy told Rose she couldn't leave the streets, she couldn't leave the one she loved. Rose at least gave Nancy some money, so that she could buy the food and clothes she needed.
I do also believe that she loved Sikes in some weird way and that she felt forsed to stay with him. I'm not sure that you can call it real love when the other person won't let you leave even if you want to.
RaderaI fully agree that Rose listend to Nancy because she was young and fragile. Sadly I don't think Nancy had time to use much of the money before her deathbed.
Good job!
Good work!
Raderagood work
RaderaGood job!!!
RaderaI think that Nancy stayed with Bill Sikes because she had known him for sush a long time that she couldn't picture a life without him. Nancy grew to love Sikes despite all the bad things he'd done. She knew that her life wasen't the best and she knew that if she left Bill and the other thifes she'd be able to get a better life. But she had done bad things too and I think that she thought that she didn't diserve to live with good people. The sadest thing about Nancy's life is how it ended so quickly, by someone she loved.
SvaraRaderaI think Rose listend to Nancy because she had a big heart and because Nancy was kind and wanted to help Oliver. Rose was open minded and she didn't think that "poor" people were any less humans then the once who had money. It was a tuff time for women and they had to stick togheter and help each other. I think Rose saw a fear in Nancy that she knew was real and she just felt like she had to help her.
I agree to the fact that she had lived and known him for so long played a really big part in why she couldn't leave him. In some way I think she also saw him like the father she never had. He were there to protect and hold her when no one else where. It is truly sad how quick her life ended. In some way I also feel sorry for Bill, but if he had been braver he would accept the offer Nancy gave him about fleeing the country together, then no one of them would have died.
RaderaGood work:)
RaderaNice Work :-)
RaderaDen här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.
Raderai agree you to. Nancy had a big heart, and rose was open minded (sorry for my spelling)
RaderaGOOD WORK :D ^^ >:D
I think that she stayed because no one would expekt it. And
SvaraRaderaand what? >:D but nice work :D keep it up ^^
RaderaWhat do you mean with " And "
RaderaAre you not done yet?
Not done yet
RaderaI think that Sikes and Nancy can´t live without each other because they have known each other for a so long time. I think Sikes has become a big part of Nancy and he can not just leave. And I see infront of me that Nancy got a dad that she never had, like a good dad.
SvaraRaderaI think that Rose listened to Nancy because they both took care of oliver and they both wanted him the best. And Oliver had tell Rose that Nancy took care about him.
Both Nancy and Rose was kind to Oliver.
I agree that Nancy could not just leave Sikes when they have known each other for such a long time, even if the life would be better without Sikes and the thieves.
RaderaI agree that Nancy could not just leave Sikes when they have known each other for such a long time, even if the life would be better without Sikes and the thieves.
RaderaYes, Nacy and Sikes have known each other during a long time but do you think Nancy only saw Sikes like a dad or something more? Nancy said that she loved someone...
RaderaYes, Nacy and Sikes have known each other during a long time but do you think Nancy only saw Sikes like a dad or something more? Nancy said that she loved someone...
RaderaSagas thoughts
SvaraRaderaI think Nancy staid with Bill becouse he helped her, then i think she felt responsibility so she didnt leave him.
SvaraRaderaI think Rose listen to Nancy becoues she had a big heart, she wanted to help but it didnt go so well.
RaderaWell done!
I think Nancy stayed with Bill Sikes, Fagin and the thieves because she was in love with Bill. I also think that Nancy did´nt have any other people to talk with or get food, drink and somewhere to sleep because she was poor and if she stayed with the thieves she got food and drink and somewhere to sleep. I think that Nancy was a good person that actually did´nt want to be a thief. She also wanted to help Oliver. Then she wants help from Rose.
SvaraRaderaRose listened to Nancy because she understood Nancy and felt sorry for her. Rose thought that Nancy was kind because she wanted to help Oliver.
I think that Nancy was inlove with Bill sikes too. Good joob
RaderaI agree that Nancy didn't have any other friends so that was one of the reasons she stayed with the thieves. Very good work! :)
RaderaI agree that Nancy didn't have any other friends so that was one of the reasons she stayed with the thieves. Very good work! :)
Raderathats true.
RaderaGOOD WORK!!!! :-P
Nancy loved Bill Sikes and that's why she did not left him. Her life was awful and she wanted to have a better life. The way she would have a better life was if she left Fagin and Bill Sikes and start over. She did not want to leave her love of her life and that's why she stayed with them.
SvaraRaderaI think that Rose could understand Nancy's life and her and that's why she wanted to help. She felt sorry for Nancy and wanted her out to the streets but Nancy could not because Bill Sikes. Rose felt sorry for Nancy and gave her money to her future life and clothes.
I agree that Nancy did not want to leave Sikes because they were in love with each other and that she knew that she would have a better life if she just leave him.
RaderaI agree that Nancy was in love with Bill and that's why she stayed with them.
I think that Nancy loved Bill Sikes and i also think that Nancy was a little afraid to leave Bill Sikes because she thought he would be angry and hurt her. But also she was afraid to be alone.
SvaraRaderaI think that rose listen to Nancy because both of them wanted that Oliver got a good life and that he should be happy. Rose and Nancy felt sorry about Oliwer and they was kind to oliver
I also think Nancy was afraid to leave Bill, who knows what he would done then.
RaderaWell done!
I agree that bill and nancy was in love and that she was afraid of him.
RaderaGoooood Jooob!!!
I agree that Nancy loved Bill and that she was afraid to be alone.
RaderaAfter all I dont think that she haved somewhere to go, if she haved left Bill Sikes.
Good job.
Nancy stayed with Bill Sikes for one cause, the love between them. Nancy told Rose: "There is one man I among the thieves that I love. I cannot leave him". Second, she know that her life would not be better without him. Nancy would probably never provide herself if she left Bill Sikes.
SvaraRaderaRose have a big heart, she are a kind and understanding women, she really wanted to help Nancy. When they talked it sounded like they have known each other during a long time, like real friends. Rose are so kind!
Yes, I also think that Rose is a good hearted person and it really sounded like they were good friends.
Raderawell done!!
I agree that Rose is a very good and kind person, good work! :)
RaderaI think that Nancy was in love with Bill Sikes. Later in the relationship Nancy lost her filings for him but she not leave him for he was criminal and she was poor and fagin and bill coud give her food.
SvaraRaderaI belive Rose listen to Nancy because they both want the best for olvier and they both where good people.
Nancy is in love with Bill Sikes, even though she knew that he's a bad person. Bill was a very bad person, he was one of the thieves along Fagin. Nancy knew that she would have a much better life without Bill Sikes, but she didn't want to leave her love of her life. So that is why Nancy stayed with Bill Sikes.
SvaraRaderaI think Rose listens to Nancy because both of them wanted to help Oliver. They wanted Oliver the best and that he would have as good life as possible.
Rose is a very kind and understanding women, so Nancy could ask Rose for help and maybe a few tips about Bill Sikes.
Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.
RaderaI agree that Nancy was in love with Bill Sikes and it is why she didin`t whant to leave him. Bill was her love of her life.
I think that she stayed because no one would expekt it. And they was in love, they loved each other so much. Rose listen to Nancy because i think they have bin friends before. Too Becontinued
SvaraRaderaThey had each other to be with. The things that are with them stays with in them. Rose helped Nancy because they want to help Oliver with the best help they could get.
SvaraRaderaI think that Nancy stayed with Bill because she loved him to much to leave him just like that. Bill helped her and gave her a life she desired, but she may not desired Bill
but if you are in love with someone, you not determine the surroundings, the environment and how you live.
I think Rose helped Nancy because they are both women who recognize themselves in each other and Rose knew Nancy's views at Bill and realized she was in love with him. She supported her
I think that Nancy stayed with Bill because she was in love with him and she could not imagine a life without him. She had lived almost her whole life with him and she trusted him. She never thought that he would deceive her.
SvaraRaderaNancy had also done bad things and she doesn't knew how she would be treated out there by "normale" people. So to stay with Bill was best for her, she tought...
SvaraRaderaI Think that Nancy was in love with Bill Sikes and that's why she stayed with them.
SvaraRaderaNancy knew if she left Sikes,Fagin and the thieves her life probably be better. But she didn't have somewere to go. She didn't know where to get a food or where find a place to sleep. She was poor,so she had no money.
And she did not whanted to leave her love of her life.That is why she stayed with Bill, Fagin and the thieves.
Rose listened to Nancy because she understood Nancy and felt sorry for her.
She really wanted to help Nancy.
I agree about that Nancy loved Bill and that way she stayed whit him, that Nancy didnt have somewere to go. Bill Sikes gave Nancy food and others things.
RaderaGreat job!!!
I agree about Rose and Nancy too, that Rose felt sorry for her and understanded her.
RaderaI think that Nancy stayed whit Bill Sikes because she loved him.They have knowed each other for so long time that maybe she was kind of afraid to leave him. He gave her food , a roof over her head.
SvaraRaderaMaybe Nancy haved nowere else to go or was just afraid to leave Bill. Not because she was afraid of him , but because she loved Bill, and just couldnt leave him like that.
I think Rose listed to Nancy because she was a good person whit good and big heart. Rose felt sorry for Nancy and just wanted to help, she gave her money to buy some food and clothes. And they both wanted to help Oliver, that he would have a better life.
(It was hard to write something different than everyone else, because they have already writed same thoughts I thought)