This is a blog for you, who are my students, and is meant to help you with your studies:)
söndag 11 september 2016
fredag 2 september 2016
onsdag 31 augusti 2016
Språkval år 8
Klicka på länken så kommer du till uppgiften som du ska arbeta med. Följ instruktionerna på uppgiften...
At the swimming pool
At the university sports club
A postcard from Scotland
A Blog- The xgames
At the swimming pool
At the university sports club
A postcard from Scotland
A Blog- The xgames
måndag 30 maj 2016
... vill vi att ni fyller i såhär i slutet av terminen så att vi får veta vad ni tycker om vårt arbete och om det är något vi behöver tänka på och kanske förändra. Det här är en stor chans för er att kunna påverka så ta dig tid att läsa igenom frågorna och svara så ärligt du kan.
Utvärdering svenska och engelska
Utvärdering nätkärlek
Utvärdering svenska och engelska
Utvärdering nätkärlek
The girl who stood up for Education
As usual - I want you to record your discussion and send it to
You have, at home, read the text about Malala and it has now been time to do some reflections about the text. I want you to:
- Talk about the text - what is the text about? Did you understand everything in the text? Did you get any questions while reading the text which you can discuss with your group mates?
Discuss the following questions:
- Malala had to fight for her right to go to school. Do you think kids in Sweden take school and education for granted?
- Malala wanted to change the society she was living in. Is there anything that you would like to change in society? How would you make people aware of that problem?
- There is a saying in English that goes “the pen is mightier than the sword”. What does the saying mean? How is the saying connected to the text Malala?
tisdag 24 maj 2016
The last episode...
After you have seen the episode - discuss the following questions in your study group. Record your discussion and send it to Ulrika ( .
- Would you like to have school uniforms? Why? Why not?
- What is good and bad with uniforms?
- Is it important to express your identity through clothes?
- If the teenagers from Scilly came to visit your school, what might be surprising to them?
- Describe the school environment (The Five Islands School and your own school) in as much detail as you can. Are there any likenesses/differences from your school?
- What does your dream school look like?
måndag 23 maj 2016
Life on Scilly - episode 5
After you have seen the episode - discuss the following questions in your study group. Record your discussion and send it to Ulrika ( .
- Responsibility (ansvar) and independence (oberoende), what is the relationship between the two words?
- In what way are the teenagers in the programme being prepared to become independent?
- Do you think that there is a difference between your life and theirs when it comes to becoming independent and moving away from home?
- Can you understand why parents worry about letting their children go far away from them?
- What can you do to make your parents feel at peace when you are not around?
- Do you agree with Amy that it is idiotic to get drunk? Why? Why not?
- What is different between your home environment and the Isles of Scilly when it comes to partying and drinking alcohol?
- What seems to be the same?
tisdag 17 maj 2016
LIfe on Scilly - episode 4
After you have seen the episode - discuss the following questions in your study group. Record your discussion and send it to Ulrika ( .
- “I wouldn´t swap this for anything!” What does Shamus mean? Do you agree?
- If Shamus came to see you where you live, what would you show him?
- What skills are you developing when you spend time with your family?
- In what way will your free time activities be useful to you in the future?
- Is it important to have the same interests as your friends?
- What is it like living near the sea?
- In what way can nature be a threat and how can yuou protect yourself against such a threat?
- Are there any threats from nature in your home environment?
If you have time:
- Is it possible to stay where we are instead instead of moving to big cities to find a job?
- If you were to follow your parents´ footsteps, what would your future be like?
- In what way will your free time activities be useful to you in the future?
- Jess likes to paint beach scenes. What would she paint if she lived near you?
måndag 16 maj 2016
Life on Scilly - episode 3
Just good Friends
After you have seen the episode - discuss the following questions in your study group. Record your discussion and send it to Ulrika ( .
- What makes a good friend?
- Is it important to have many friends?
- Do you think that there is a difference between you and the teenagers on Scilly when it comes to relationships?
- Is it easier or harder to find a partner on Scilly then it is for you? Why? Why not?
- In the programme the policeman says: “It is a bit like living in a fishing bowl, everyone knows everyone.” What do you think about this? Is it good or bad? Why?
- Is your home environment similar to Scilly or is it different? Can you give any examples?
onsdag 11 maj 2016
Life on Scilly - episode 2,
High-Flying Dream
This episode is about the teenagers dream for the future. While you watch the episode I want you to think about their dreams and if you, in some way, can relate to the way they are feeling about their hobbies and dreams. Feel free to take notes while you are watching the program.
You can find the questions under the headline "English Grade 7"
After you have seen the episode - discuss the following questions in your study group. Record your discussion and send it to Ulrika ( .
- What things do you have in common with Tom, Jess and Harry?
- What things are different in your life compared to Tom's, Jess´s and Harry’s life?
If you have time:
- Is it important to work with something that is also your greatest passion in life or is it better to do that as a hobby on the side? Why? Why not?
- If you were to choose being Tom, Jess or Harry, who would you choose and why?
- What are the main differences between the way you think about the future and the way they discuss their future plans?
- Are they having opportunities that you don´t have?
- Are there any opportunities in your lives that they don't seem to have on Scilly?
måndag 9 maj 2016
Life on Scilly..
Life on Scilly is a series of six programmes which deals with the everyday life activities for teenagers and brings up topics such as friendship, school, hobbies and dreams for the future.
The coming lessons, these last weeks, we will develop our oral skills. We will begin to see an episode every lesson and then you will do some reflections about the episode in your study group.
Episode 1- Meet the Islanders
The coming lessons, these last weeks, we will develop our oral skills. We will begin to see an episode every lesson and then you will do some reflections about the episode in your study group.
Episode 1- Meet the Islanders
tisdag 3 maj 2016
Oliver Twist - after the film
We will finish the film during today´s (Wednesday) lesson. We have 30 minutes left before the film has come to the end. After we have finished the movie, you will discuss three questions in your study group. You find these under the headline "Oliver Twist".
måndag 2 maj 2016
Oliver Twist - the movie
Today, we will see the film "Oliver Twist" which is based on the novel written by Charles Dickens. We have read the story so I think you will recognise some things in the story.
måndag 11 april 2016
Finishing assignment Oliver Twist continues week 17
You find the finishing assignment under the headline "Oliver Twist" to the right. There, you can also read a question to discuss. I want you to write down your thoughts as a comment to this question and then give a reply to at least two friends before you begin to do the last assignment.
Choose one of the three assignments to work with. Write down your text in Google doc and share your text with Ulrika. Your assignment shall be finished no later than 29th of April.
Choose one of the three assignments to work with. Write down your text in Google doc and share your text with Ulrika. Your assignment shall be finished no later than 29th of April.
söndag 10 april 2016
Raeding project continues Weeks 15 - 16

måndag 4 april 2016
Oliver Twist
We keep on reading the story about Oliver Twist. We read 40 minutes and discuss the story in groups 20 minutes.
The aim of discussing the story is to make sure that everyone understand the story. You are allowed ta speak about it in Swedish - the most important is that everyone in your group understand what the story is about.
If you don´t know what to discuss - take help from these questions:
The aim of discussing the story is to make sure that everyone understand the story. You are allowed ta speak about it in Swedish - the most important is that everyone in your group understand what the story is about.
If you don´t know what to discuss - take help from these questions:
- The setting - what is the story about?
- Where does the story take place
- Who is Oliver? Tell bout him and his personality.
söndag 13 mars 2016
Oliver Twist written by Charles Dickens
We will now read the story of Oliver Twist. After you have finished reading the story I want you to choose one of the following writing assignments and write it in Google document. Share your text with Ulrika and your friends in your study group.
- Letter to the Editor
Imagine that you live in Charles Dicken´s time. Write a letter to a newspaper describing the life of a child in the workhouse and giving your opinion of it.
2. Write a diary
Imagine Oliver Twist went to school and learned to read and write. Choose an episode and write his diary in the first person. Explain what happened to you (the transfer to the workhouse, the work, the request for food, the punishment to the cell, the stay at Mr Sowerberry’s, the fight, and finally the escape).
Describe how you felt and what your hopes were.
3. Newspaper report
Prepare a newspaper report about the death of Bill Sikes. Make notes in your notebook under these headings and then write your report:
The death of Sikes
- Who was Sikes?
- How did he die?
- Why were people chasing him?
- What else had he done?
Nancy´s murder
- Who was Nancy?
- How was she killed?
- Who found her body?
- Why did Sikes kill her?
The group of thieves
- Who did Sikes work with?
- What has happened or is going to happen to them?
Now, write your report.
tisdag 1 mars 2016
Så funkar Canva
När ni tittat på instruktionsfilmen som Annika Sjödahl har gjort så går ni till sida: Logga in med ditt Google konto.
måndag 29 februari 2016
Good night Mr. Tom - speaking activity
We have now seen the film Good Night Mr. Tom and it has been time to talk about the film. You will have four discussion questions which I want you to speak about in your study groups and record your speaking and then send your audio file to me ( Make sure everyone in your group understand the questions. As a final assignment - look at the last question and create a Canva which you, later on, will present to your classmates (you don't need to record your discussion about this question).
- From early on in the story, we understand that William´s home life has not always been a happy one. Discuss your impression of William´s childhood in London, referring to specific clues you may find in the story.
- If William never had gone to Little Weirwold and experienced such love and friendship there, he would still think his life in London to be normal. Discuss this view.
- Do you think Tom Oakley was right to travel to London and bring Willam back home to Little Weirwold? Should he have “rescued” him from the hospital?
- How do you think the children felt when they were told to leave their homes in London and travel far away to a strange place called Little Weirwold?
måndag 15 februari 2016
Good night Mr Tom
Good Night Mr. Tom is a story about eight-year-old William who lives in London during WW2. We will see the film in class and later on, you will have some questions to discuss in your study groups.
måndag 25 januari 2016
Great Britain week 4 - 6
We keep on writing about our trip to Great Britain.
The trip assignment
Imagine you are on a trip in Great Britain without your family and friends. They want you to write some blog entries which they can read and follow while you are on your trip.
The trip assignment
Imagine you are on a trip in Great Britain without your family and friends. They want you to write some blog entries which they can read and follow while you are on your trip.
Choose at least five attractions or places which you visit during your trip. Write a blog entry for each one of your visits. Tell about what you see, what you do, give interesting historical information and, of course, tell where the attraction is situated.
You also think about the likenesses and differences between the countries in Great Britain and Sweden while you are travelling. You choose to tell your friends and family at home about at least one of these likenesses or differences.
Remember that there are four countries to visit - but you are free to choose where to go.
onsdag 20 januari 2016
Travelling to Great Britain - wednesday week 3
As we couldn´t work the last lesson you will do the same thing today as you should have done during the Monday lesson. Those of you who haven´t seen the grammar films will begin to see these films and do the assignments. After you have done these assignments you begin to work with your trip to Great Britain.
The trip assignment
Imagine you are on a trip in Great Britain without your family and friends. They want you to write some blog entries which they can read and follow while you are on your trip.
The trip assignment
Imagine you are on a trip in Great Britain without your family and friends. They want you to write some blog entries which they can read and follow while you are on your trip.
Choose at least five attractions or places which you visit during your trip. Write a blog entry for each one of your visits. Tell about what you see, what you do, give interesting historical information and, of course, tell where the attraction is situated.
You also think about the likenesses and differences between the countries in Great Britain and Sweden while you are travelling. You choose to tell your friends and family at home about at least one of these likenesses or differences.
Remember that there are four countries to visit - but you are free to choose where to go.
måndag 18 januari 2016
Travelling to Great Britain - Monday week 3
Today, you will begin to work with your trip to Great Britain. We will begin to see a short movie about Great Britain to give you some ideas to write about. Those of you who didn´t see the grammar films last week will see them and do the grammar assignments before you begin to work.
tisdag 12 januari 2016
Wednesday week 2
Today you will finish your reading assignments and begin to write your blog entries. Before you begin to write I want you to look at the grammar films and do the assignments.
After you have seen the grammar films and done the assignments I want you to see the film about Seaside Entertainment. I hope you get some ideas :)
Learn English Teens - Seaside Entertainment
Here you can find the assignment
Travelling to Great Britain
Here you can find the assignment
Travelling to Great Britain
söndag 10 januari 2016
Monday week 2 - Great Britain
During todays lesson we will continue to work with the reading assignments about the countries in Great Britain which you began to work with before Christmas.
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