söndag 20 december 2015

Christmas time...

I wish you all a


and a 


See you next year :)

tisdag 8 december 2015

Who killed Santa Claus?

Santa Claus has been murdered!  But who did it?  What will happen to Christmas?

You need to find out who did it during todays lesson. 

You will be given a character and do a role play. As you are almost 30 students in class, some of you will have a character together. You will then create a picture of your character and make sure you learn to know your character.

Later on you will walk around in class and ask each other questions and try to find out who the murderer is...

tisdag 1 december 2015

Week 49

We will begin this week with some reading assignments about Great Britain as Stonehenge lies in England.
During the lesson on Wednesday you will keep on writing on your texts about Stonehenge.

If you make a click on the link you will see a mind map about what you already know about Great Britain

Great Britain

söndag 22 november 2015

Pray for Paris continues

Today, you will finish your Padlets and share your thoughts with the rest of the class. We will also see a newsvideo about the happenings in Paris.

First news - about Paris

söndag 15 november 2015

Pray for Paris (Week 47)

With all respect for the victims and the people in Paris, we will, the coming week, let the work with Stonehenge rest, and instead talk about humanity and respect. We will:
We will later on discuss the following questions..:
  • Can violence ever be accepted?
  • What does freedom mean? Individually and to societies and countries in the world.
  • The world around us - what do you think about what happens in the world?
  • According to you - what is Human Rights?
...and make a padlet where you, in groups, share your thoughts and ideas with your classmates and the rest of the world. Your padlets shall be linked on the blog under the headline Humanity. 

tisdag 10 november 2015

Wednesday week 46

During the lesson today, you will begin to work with the first mission together with your friend in Ånge. You can find the  assignment on your blog "ourenglishstars.blogspot.se". We will also discuss The questions to the texts you read during Monday lesson.

söndag 8 november 2015

Ingen engelska måndag v46

Ingen engelska, måndag, då vi istället är på föreläsning på Stödehuset.

onsdag 4 november 2015

Week 45

We only have one lesson this week as you had a day off during Monday.

This week we will begin to work with our new friends and the new theme - Horror. This theme is something you will work with together with your friends in Ånge. ( You can find more information about this on your common blog www.ourenglishstars.blogspot.se)

During our lesson on Wednesday we will see two documentaries about Stonehenge in Britain to prepare for your missions.

The skills we will practice this week is:

Kommunikativ förmåga: att ha förmågan att samtala, diskutera, motivera och presentera. Kunna uttrycka egna åsikter och ståndpunkter. Framföra och bemöta argument, redogöra, formulera, resonera och redovisa. 

måndag 19 oktober 2015

Week 43 - grade 7

Veckans förmåga
Kommunikativ förmåga: att ha förmågan att samtala, diskutera, motivera och presentera. Kunna uttrycka egna åsikter och ståndpunkter. Framföra och bemöta argument, redogöra, formulera, resonera och redovisa. 

This week we will begin to work with the theme you have chosen - Horror.

During the lesson on Monday we will do a listening assignment. You will listen to a story and do some assignments. 

On Wednesday we will begin to see the film "Snow White and the Huntsman". 

måndag 12 oktober 2015

Grade 7 week 42

Monday: Today, you will begin to write a letter to an unknown friend. Your letter shall be written by hand. If you make a click on the link you will find the assignment:

Letter to an unknown friend

Wednesday: Today we have the computers. You have the possibility to finish your Swedish assignment (Lorax filmanalys) and your letter to Mother Earth. This is the last lesson you have for these assignments (except the Swedish lesson later this day).

söndag 4 oktober 2015

Grade 7 week 41

Monday: We will do some speaking activities.

Wednesday: You will write your letter to Mother earth (we have the computers)

söndag 27 september 2015

Grade 7, week 40

This week, you will finish your discussion in your groups and write down your reflections on the blog and give each other some feed back. You will also begin to write your letter to Mother Earth.

fredag 18 september 2015

Argumentative essay grade 9

We have now seen the movie 28 days, and it has become time to begin writing your essay. If you make a click on the link you will find your assignment.

Argumentative essay

Week 39 Monday - Lorax class 7

We have now seen the film Lorax. You have discussed the plot, the environment, the characters and the message during the lessons in Swedish. It has now been time for you to discuss this film in English.
In your groups, discuss the questions you can read below. Take notes while you are discussing and make sure everyone in the groups understand what you are talking about.

Questions to discuss
  • What was the land of the Lorax like before the Once-ler arrived? Did it seem like someplace you'd like to live? What parts of your own environment would you be sad to see go?
  • What kind of person is the Once-ler? Why won't he listen to the Lorax? The Lorax says to the Once-ler, "You are crazy with greed." Why does the Lorax say that? Do you agree or disagree?

  • Why does the Lorax speak for the trees? Why is it important to speak up for others? Have you ever spoken up for someone else? Has someone else ever spoken up for you?
  • How does the Once-ler's Thneed business hurt the land of the Lorax? What happens to the Swomee-swans, the Brown Bar-ba-loots, and the Humming-fish? How could things have been different if the Once-ler listened to the Lorax?
  • The Once-ler says, "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." What does the Once-ler mean? Can one person make a difference? Can you? What are some things you can do to better your own environment?

tisdag 15 september 2015

Alcohol and drugs grade 9

Today we will begin to work with the theme Alcohol and Drugs. Your first assignment is to do a test on the Internet and then to see a short film which is named "A short film about Alcohol". You will do some reflections with EPA and then we will finish the lesson with the film 28 days.

  1. Do the test Above the influence
  2. See the film A short film about alcohol
  3. Do some reflections (you are allowed to do them in Swedish): 
E- Write down some thoughts you got while you did the test and saw the film
P- Discuss in pairs
A- We discuss in class

  4. We will begin to see the film 28 days

fredag 5 juni 2015

Utvärdering 9B

Nu är det dags för den sista lektionen i engelska för det här läsåret och för er tid på Minerva. Jag skulle vilja att ni delger mig lite tankar om hur ni tycker att det har fungerat med undervisningen. Klicka på länken så kommer ni till frågeformuläret.

Utvärdering 9B

måndag 18 maj 2015

News in English - grade 9

Make a news program

In groups of 4-5, you will do a news program in English. You shall write at least five newsThese news shall in some way contain the following words: news, furniture, homework, money and adviceEveryone in your group shall in some way participate in the program. To find news to talk about you can use the Internet. This is also a good way to learn to know how a news program shall be performed.  
Your program shall be shown to your class mates, Tuesday 2 June.  

Useful links on the Internet 
http://www.thelocal.se/  (svenska nyheter på engelska) 
http://www.worldpress.org/index.htm (nyheter på engelska från hela världen) 
http://www.cnn.com/ (nyheter på engelska) 
http://news.bbc.co.uk/ (nyheter på engelska från hela världen) 
http://abcnews.go.com/ (nyheter på engelska från USA – här kan du också se nyhetsprogram på engelska) 


måndag 27 april 2015

Oral test, 9 graders

On Tuesday you will have the oral national test. See you in class room C3 at 8,20. You will do the test in groups and you will record your discussion so I can listen to it later.

torsdag 16 april 2015

Nationella prov år 9

Nästa vecka är det dags för de nationella proven i engelska för niorna.
Tiderna som gäller för dessa provtillfällen är:

Onsdag  22/4                                                                               
8.20-9.50      Läsförståelse         sal B1
9.50-10.20       Rast 

10.20-11.10    Hörförståelse         sal B1

Lektioner som vanligt från  kl.12.00

Fredag 24/4

8.20-9.40         Uppsats                  sal B1

Lektioner som vanligt från kl 10,05

onsdag 1 april 2015

English teaparty

Welcome to the nine graders teaparty
Åsa is preparing the scones

The students begin to take some tea and scones

torsdag 26 februari 2015


I hope you all will have a really nice holiday with a lot of fresh air, sports and time to rest during this week.

onsdag 4 februari 2015

What´s the plan, 9B?

You now have only a few weeks left (or months :)) before you will finish your time here at Minerva. I want you to think about what you think you need and want to work more with during the time we have left. Tell me when you have came up with something and I will plan the lessons from your ideas.

måndag 2 februari 2015

Homework class 7B week 6

This week your homework is to see a videoclip about prepositions. You find it under homework grade 7.

fredag 23 januari 2015

Homework class 7B week 5

This week, your homework is to read the text Kitty - cool and clever and learn the words which are marked with a dot. You can also find the tex under "Homework grade 7".